For what it’s worth

I didn’t see a place in Profile to enter interests, so…

Blues, Fiction, Computers (the usual stuff).  (And grand daughter, of course)

More details are available, by request, (also) of course.




Starting out with Vivaldi I can’t help but ponder how things went when I started out with the”new” Opera.  Perhaps for good reason, the “new” Opera seemed to start out with a huge amount of defensiveness on their part.  I suspect that a good part of that was attributable to people like me missing the “old” Opera and being more than happy to point out what we saw as shortcomings in the “new”.  With Vivaldi I am clearly much more willing to be patient and wait for things to be developed and/or stabilized.  That’s probably because, like seemingly many others, I didn’t find a new browser that I could warm up to.  So, I’m not complaining (not that I won’t in the future however).    Of course some of the off-putting from the Opera transition came from being told that if I didn’t like the new Opera and appreciate its superiority, I was not well informed or a sophisticated user. That didn’t come from Opera directly but it was said loud and clear in the forums.  At any rate, off to greener pastures.  And, I’m NOT expecting Vivaldi to recreate the old Opera.  It had its flaws.  So, I’m just happy to see where this goes.  

Opening Day!

Just downloaded Vivaldi this evening.  As a user of the “Old Opera” I am very excited and hopeful!