So, here’s my question. When do we start hawking Vivaldi? My first inclination was to tell everyone I know about Vivaldi. Then, however, I realized that if they loaded up one of these “betas” they might see it as no different than other Chrome clones and stay away. Certainly old Opera users are down with Vivaldi but we can’t assume that non-(old) Opera devotees will share our passion for these first iterations of Vivaldi. Do we wait for the first official release? Or do we tell our story now and ask them to get involved? What’s our best strategy?
I would say right now is NOT the time to start “hawking” Vivaldi, not in the manner of touting a product as it being ready for prime time, not as in it being ready to starting kicking butt and taking names. 😀 It CAN though, be mentioned for what it is right now … a Browser project in its infancy barely in Alpha stage. You can clarify that it is a Browser project to just be keeping your eye on and that eventually it SHOULD be ready to take on and slug it out with all the current contenders.
Otherwise those who are expecting something new that is all [b]READY[/b] to go right now could be disappointed. In other words, for example: The Vivaldi Blogging Community was launched a little over a year ago. For many of those who expected that it was a new community all READY to go to be able to hit the ground running with pretty much all the functionality of say, MyOpera … well, they were disappointed as they found out it was still really only in Alpha stage.